Syrian refugee children in Lebanon are vulnerable to being exploited and forced to work. However, as Kezia M’Clelland writes, Viva and its local partner are prioritising the need for child protection and supporting them in getting an education. Refugees comprise a quarter of Lebanon’s population. This brings pressure on resources and opportunities, and Syrian families …
BY JUSTINE DEMMER Following economic struggle and violent conflict, families in Myanmar are strained to breaking point. Justine Demmer visited the country to see how our new partner network cares for children and reunites families. To a visitor like me, Myanmar has an untouched feel to it; there are no indications of international trends found …
BY KEZIA M’CLELLAND What does hope look like, and where can we find it? I’ve come to discover that hope emerges in the most unlikely of places – even in a dusty, dangerous refugee camp – and when it does it can change everything. After nearly six years of conflict, Syria’s children continue to face …