Life in all its fullness!

That's what we want for children everywhere. 


Did you know that 1 in 6 of the world’s children live in extreme poverty, vulnerable to hunger, disease, abuse, and neglect?

Viva wants every child everywhere to be safe, thriving and learning – and living life in all its fullness.

We do this by building and supporting networks that unite churches and organisations to support children in 28 countries.


We believe that we can only effect lasting, systemic change in the care and protection of vulnerable children by working together.

Viva’s model is to connect and build the capacity of churches and organisations to collectively change children’s lives through joint action programmes and increased city-wide influence.

Jenny from Central America was abused in her own home – she now enjoys the safety of a foster family.

Kajal from India felt pressure from peers and parents – she now flourishes and has renewed purpose in life.


Santosh from Nepal dropped out of school due to poverty – he is now learning again and improving in his studies.

We want to reach more children by growing our partner networks –

will you help us?

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Thank you!

Together we can help more children to be safe, to thrive and to learn – so they can live life in all its fullness.



our short introductory video explaining who Viva is and how children’s lives are changed across the world.

Any children referred to have had their names and photos changed in accordance with our Child Protection Policy. Registered charity no 1053389 (England) | Employer identification number 84-1541857 (US) | Registered charity with company no 1657942 (Hong Kong)