
It’s time to go home

Last month, Justine Demmer, Asia Network Consultant and Viva HK National Director, visited a new network in Myanmar, where a committed group of 20 organisations are working together to help children displaced by conflict to go home again. Here are Justine’s reflections.

HIV/Aids hope for Harare

In a study done in 2014, HIV and AIDS came up as the most threatening thing to families in Zimbabwe.

Girls in focus at international education forum

In London last Thursday (7 July), Viva staff were present at the Girls’ Education Forum to hear the UK government’s pledge to provide an extra £100 million to give the world’s poorest, most marginalised girls a quality education.

Viva at UN launch to end violence against children worldwide

Viva’s Chief Executive Mark Stavers attended the launch of the ‘Global Partnership and Fund to End Violence Against Children’ at the United Nations yesterday (Tuesday 12 July).

Mobile libraries and missing shoes

Reflecting on his recent visit to Uganda, Viva’s Monitoring and Evaluation Manager Martin Hull writes about some of the people he met, stories he heard and sights he saw – and the impact our partner network CRANE is making for vulnerable children. Here are some snippets of what he wrote.

School starter packs for 1,000 girls

Going back to school is exciting but expensive! And it’s especially difficult if your family is unable to meet the costs of the essential items needed – stationery, books and uniform. We’ve got 1,000 teenage girls in Uganda ready and enthused to be educated – but they urgently need a basic ‘back to school’ kit. …

Learn and play #ChildrenInTheCentre

Children take centre stage in the work of Viva and our partner networks who ensure that they are well cared for and able to thrive. This approach does not just benefit the child; it benefits the whole family.    

Inspiring Oxford’s young people to find their fire

Teenagers in east Oxford are being empowered to support their peers through an exciting new programme co-ordinated by Viva’s Doorsteps network, in partnership with the City Council, churches and local community groups.

Children at risk of hunger and violence as Venezuela crisis grows

Viva’s partner network in Venezuela is asking for prayer as the country faces a mounting humanitarian crisis caused by widespread energy shortages and lack of basic goods.

Children should be seen and heard

How Viva is training children in Uganda and Zimbabwe to be change-makers.