Phase 2: developing the network’s shared capacity to deliver collaborative programmes based on an agreed focus.
Once the network is established, significant development is required to move the network on to larger collaborative action. Member enhancement and shared influence build individual skills and capacity. This provides valuable experience in providing the momentum for city-wide change.
Viva Equip
During Phase 2, capacity-building through Viva Equip increases and deepens the impact of the network. Members not only see benefits for their own organisations, but also begin to experience how effective partnering can achieve large-scale change for children at risk.
Continuous improvement becomes a key value and, through Viva Equip, members receive mentored training in specific organisational development areas, enabling them to see measurable changes and benefits in their own projects and their care for children. Towards the end of Phase 2, the network will be focusing on two-year or three-year collaborative programmes. These address specific issues affecting children as identified by situational analysis. A Viva consultant works in partnership with the network to design and develop these collaborative programmes, and members are motivated to participate because they have experienced benefits from the outcomes of previous network activity.
Viva Engage
The network will also now be forming partnerships with key stakeholders in the community, of which churches are particularly significant partners. Viva Engage plays a crucial part in securing their involvement. In addition, other civil society players beyond the Church and christian projects need to be engaged. Network activities are shared with relevant government departments so that representatives such as police, teachers, social workers and health departments know how to best interact with children across the city-wide community. The Phase 2 network seeks to collaborate with these stakeholders in collective action for children.
Typically, a Phase 2 network has a growing membership of 50-75 churches and organisations, with funds to enable more systemised training using the Viva Quality Improvement System and Viva Celebrating Children courses. The Coordinator will be employed full time and supported by a team of volunteers under the leadership of an appropriate steering group.