Shine Hyderabad Children Network


Churches and Organisations are members of this partner network


People work for the member organisations of this partner network


Children are reached by this network and its member organisations

Latest highlight

85 teachers and 850 children benefitting from child protection training in schools

Our team

Together we can achieve more

Shine Hyderabad Children Network is based in:

Hyderabad, India

Each of Viva’s partner networks covers a particular area so it can focus its efforts on achieving the most change for children in that area.

Shine Hyderabad Children Network is led by:

Vincent Dasari

Each of Viva’s partner networks has a local board of knowledgable, committed and connected people and is led by a local network co-ordinator employed by that board.

Viva’s main point of contact is:

Gary Kamaal

Each of Viva’s partner networks is supported by our global team. This includes one of our network consultants who is skilled and experienced at helping partner networks grow to their full potential.

The network’s focus is

Strengthening family support and child development